Worldwide knowledge dissemination in Chemistry


  • Faiza Qayyum Capital University of Science and Technology , Islamabad
  • Tanvir Afzal Capital University of Science and Technology , Islamabad


Citation analysis, knowledge dissemination, producers, consumers, chemistry


The identification of knowledge producing countries plays pivotal role in indication of such countries whose work have contributed towards subsequent research and the same can be deemed as a hallmark of quality. Citation analysis is most quintessential indicator to analyze the influence of scientific publications research documents as well as in appraising or ranking the scientific brilliance of a particular author, institution or country. This dissertation identifies trends of chemistry publications production globally. The knowledge producer, consumer and emerging countries are identified on the basis of journals appearing in Microsoft Academic Search (MAS). The data set is ascertained from MAS on the basis of citations. Total of 1800,000 top citations from 18 different categories of chemistry are examined. The origins are classified and envisioned on Google Maps depending upon the first author’s organizational associations. The result of research strongly establishes that U.S.A, Germany, UK, France, and China collectively constitute a category of leading data producers. However, Asian and African countries fall in the category of knowledge consumers.

Author Biography

Faiza Qayyum, Capital University of Science and Technology , Islamabad

Faiza Qayyum received the M.S. degree in computer science from the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2017. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering with Jeju National University (JNU), South Korea. Her research interests include machine learning, data mining, smart grid optimization, web mining, and information retrieval. She has been associated with academia, since last four years, where she has been involved in preparing RD proposals and projects at national and international level.


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How to Cite

Qayyum, F., & Afzal, T. (2022). Worldwide knowledge dissemination in Chemistry. Journal of Intelligent Pervasive and Soft Computing, 1(01), 1–9. Retrieved from



Computer Science and Multidisciplinary research