Semantic Situation Reporting Mechanism Based on 4W'H Ontology Modeling in Battlefield
Ontology, Battlefield Situations, Semantic Data Processing, Battlefield Tactics, Battlefield TermsAbstract
Recently, semantic ontologies have been considered essential in knowledge representation systems to form interactive user-centric query systems. Therefore, it is gaining significant importance in the battlefield situations domain to offer several services to military officials; for example, it enables military officials to deduce battlefield situations information to drive effective decisions in a short time during tactics. This paper presents a battlefield ontology based on a 4W'H architecture using battlefield terms to enhance the existing Army Tactical Command Information System (ATCIS) to intelligent ATCIS. Furthermore, we used a well-known ontology editor known as Protégé to design an ontology to report battlefield situations semantically and effectively. In addition, a use case is defined in order to reveal the effectiveness of the designed semantic ontology-based on 4W'H architecture.
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